Certain foods and drinks can cause teeth to stain even after a whitening treatment.

There are many teeth whitening options available these days, but for the best possible results, it’s advisable to opt for a professional treatment, rather than a store-bought product. Professional whitening treatments achieve results very quickly and are both effective and safe. Once you have had your teeth professionally whitened, there are a few ways in which you can keep your teeth free from discolouration and stains. Paying attention to your diet is one of the most important things you can do when it comes to maintaining your bright smile — read on to find out which foods to avoid, and which ones you can keep enjoying…

What causes stains?

Certain foods and drinks contribute to discolouration, either by weakening the enamel and making it more prone to stains or by staining the teeth with pigment. Some of the worst culprits include coffee, tea and wine. These drinks are dark in colour, and also tend to be acidic. The acidity weakens the enamel of your teeth and makes them more susceptible to stains. Carbonated drinks and fruit juices are also acidic, and often contain colourants that can leave stains on the surface of your teeth.

Highly pigmented fruits and berries, such as pomegranates, blueberries and blackberries can all cause stains, while dark sauces like tomato sauce, balsamic vinegar and soy sauce should also be avoided.

It’s also advisable to avoid eating foods like curry just after you have had your teeth whitened — certain spices can cause stains and affect the results of your treatment.

What can you eat?

Although there are a few foods and drinks that are best avoided after a whitening treatment, there are plenty of options you can enjoy. Some great options include foods that are white or light in colour, as these won’t cause any discolouration or stains.

Chicken, turkey and light fish are all good options to eat immediately after a whitening treatment, as are rice and pasta. If you do enjoy some pasta, just remember to avoid tomato-based sauces, as these can leave stains.

Other light-coloured foods that are safe to enjoy after a whitening treatment include white cheese, egg whites, potatoes, bananas, plain yoghurt and unsweetened porridge.

How else can you maintain your results?  

To ensure that your teeth stay white and bright for as long as possible, you must stick to good oral hygiene habits. Brush and floss your teeth regularly and rinse your mouth with water after eating to get rid of any remaining food residue that could stain your teeth.

While the results of whitening treatments are considered permanent, the reality is that certain daily habits and dietary choices can cause the teeth to re-stain. If you notice stains on the surface of your teeth, it is possible to have a follow-up treatment. Follow-up treatments help maintain good results, and your dentist will advise you as to how often you should come in for a top-up procedure.

Besides maintaining proper oral hygiene and avoiding stain-causing foods and drinks as much as possible, it is also important that you don’t smoke to enjoy a bright smile. Tobacco makes the enamel more susceptible to stains, and nicotine can cause the teeth to yellow over time.

How can we help?

At G Dental, we offer professional teeth whitening treatments, which achieve excellent results. The treatment can lighten the teeth up to ten shades within just one session, and the process is virtually painless.

If you would like to find out more about the teeth whitening treatments available at G Dental, please have a look here.

If you would like to arrange a consultation, please get in touch with us here or give us a call on 03 9435 6063. We look forward to welcoming you to our practice and helping you achieve a bright and beautiful smile.